Charity Birth Centers
Mercy in Action is a non-profit organization that focuses on the crisis in Maternal/Newborn/Child health care worldwide. We have been establishing and funding free birth centers for poor families in the Philippines since 1991, and providing capacity building, continuing education, and support for local midwives. To date, in the Philippines, more than 17,794 babies have been delivered free of charge for the poorest of the poor in Mercy In Action's Birth Centers, and tens of thousands of lives have been helped and healed in our medical outreaches and disaster responses. Currently, Mercy In Action sponsors Birth Centers and Outreach clinics in several locations in the Philippines. All of our services are provided at no cost to the family having the baby.
Mercy In Action staff also consults regularly with midwives, doctors, and nurses who are doing similar work in poor regions of Asia, Africa and Latin America. Our online continuing education courses in subjects such as Cultural Competency, Global Midwifery, and Disaster Response are used by health care workers all over the world. In addition, we have a Post-Graduate Diploma in Midwifery and Maternal/Child Health that helps prepare the graduate for international service.
MEAC Accredited Midwifery College and Maternal/child care Trainings
Our four-year Mercy In Action College of Midwifery is a Bachelor of Science degree-granting school and is MEAC accredited. We also create and teach accredited continuing education seminars and online courses to prepare midwives, doctors, and nurses to meet the global shortage of skilled birth attendants and to help community health care workers prevent unnecessary child deaths. By training midwives and community health workers to provide compassionate health care throughout the developing world, Mercy In Action is saving many lives and showing God's love and kindness in action. Hundreds of Mercy In Action graduates have been equipped and released into service around the globe. In addition, we have helped hundreds more midwives pass their North American Registry of Midwives board exam with our online NARM Study Exam Prep.
Funded by tax-deductible Donations
Please consider donating; it is easy and safe on this website with either your checking account or credit card. Or better yet, become a regular monthly sponsor of our free birth centers and clinics to make a lasting difference in the world with a monthly recurring donation. Donor contributions help us buy medical supplies and food for the poor families we serve. We fund the salaries of national midwives in the Philippines and have set up a model that does not cost the mother having the baby anything for her care. Your donations also help us travel to train health workers in lifesaving skills around the globe. Thank you for caring; as the proverb says "Whoever is kind to the needy honors God"
BookS featuring Mercy In Action
Sustainable Birth in Disruptive Times (Global Maternal and Child Health) 1st ed. 2021 Edition
Birth Models That Work
The books above were edited by famed medical anthropologist Robbie Davis-Floyd. Mercy In Action’s model for disaster response is featured in “Sustainable Birth in Disruptive Times”. In "Birth Models That Work" Mercy In Action has an entire chapter, written by Vicki Penwell. Find it on Amazon.com CLICK HERE
Paths to Becoming a Midwife, 5th Edition
This book by Midwifery Today features several articles written by Vicki Penwell and Kristen Benoit
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